The Folkestone Bookshop Bookclub

How it works

We run our bookclub roughly every 6 weeks

Usually on a Tuesday evening, we meet at The Folkestone Bookshop after close (however the till is open to participants so if you’d like to browse you can!)

We will announce our selection here and on all our social media pages along with the next date

Once announced, you can buy the book in-store at 10% off the RRP

Or you can purchase the book via our online store*, at a cost that includes:

  • A copy of the book

  • A guaranteed spot at the bookclub

  • A drink of your choice**

  • Themed snacks

  • 15% off all books purchased on the evening

  • The warm, cosy feeling of supporting your local indie!

All our booksellers attend the bookclub so you’re sure to get a lively discussion with many different opinions

*When you buy your ticket, we will reserve a copy of the book for you in-store; it is your responsibility to collect it

**from a selection of options, always alcohol-free

Our next bookclub pick is:

History’s Angel by Anjum Hasan

Meeting on: Tuesday 1st October

Click the image to buy online for home delivery!

Alif is a middle-aged history teacher living in contemporary Delhi. He’s often lost in reveries on India’s past, but it’s the present that presses down on him. His wife is set on a bigger house and a better car while trying to ace her MBA exams; his teenage son wants to quit school to get rich; his colleagues are suspicious of a Muslim teaching Indian history; and his old friend has just reconnected with a childhood sweetheart for whom Alif has always had feelings.

Although we strive to be as accessible as possible, we cannot always achieve this. In the future, we aim to also host the bookclub online for people who cannot attend in person and we aim to facilitate a mail-out of the book for those unable to visit us in-store. The online bookclub will require a minimum number of participants to make it viable and sustainable, so if you would be keen to participate virtually, please contact us to register your interest. When we make this happen, we will promote in all the usual places!